In a hearing on January 31st 2024, the CEOs of billion-dollar companies were asked questions by the Senate Judiciary Committee.
Raven CEO John Pizzuro and board member Tom Kerle attended the hearing.

“Big Tech made over 11 Billion on children 17 and under. It’s time to invest in protecting children instead of profiting off them.” John Pizzuro – CEO Raven.
John penned an op-ed which was published in The Hill on the same day. He explained how the tech companies have made huge profits by directing targeted advertising at our youth and yet fail to protect them on their platforms. Additionally, how law enforcement funding is simply not enough to enable them to carry out the detailed investigations needed to catch perpetrators.
“Due to a lack of funding, law enforcement is now reactive to tips related to online activity instead of being preventive. They’re unable to engage in the very operations that are designed to target the most dangerous offenders before they strike.”

“We have let technology companies police themselves for too long. In todays hearing on child sexual exploitation, I hope to see our officials hold these company CEOs accountable; moving forward, I am eager to see how Congress calls on technology companies to do more to protect our children online.”
You can read John Pizzuro’s full article here.