John Madsen is a retired Detective with the Gainesville Police Department in Florida, with 10 years as the North Florida ICAC Task Force Commander, serving additionally as the Chair of the ICAC Emerging Technologies working group.
With training and experience in computer forensics, peer-to-peer investigations, and management of undercover investigations, John has been involved with several national and international task forces through training and operational support, designing and implementing several operational efforts such as multi-agency undercover traveler operations, victim identification collaborations w/ NCMEC, and child sexual abuse material categorization efforts with Homeland Security Investigations.
John currently serves as the Chief Operating Officer of Griffeye Inc, a subsidiary of Griffeye Technologies AB. Griffeye is a software company focused on visual media analysis in support of charging decisions, victim identification, and officer mental wellness.
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A 501(c)4 political lobby, Raven protects children from victimization by raising awareness of the threat of online child exploitation, increasing resources and funding to law enforcement, and lobbying for policy changes on the local and federal level.