Board member Glen Pounder represented Raven today, October 14th 2023, at the International Association of Chief’s Of Police (IACP) Conference. He was on an expert panel with representatives from NCMEC and Exodus Road; the panel was moderated by Cellebrite.
Pounder explained the benefits of Raven as the first of its kind organization advocating on behalf of law enforcement and children from a background of hundreds of years of law enforcement and other key backgrounds across the Raven team.
The dire position of insufficient resources for the men and women on the frontline and effective immunity for the multibillion-dollar companies which facilitate so much harm against children and survivors of sexual exploitation simply cannot be allowed to continue.
Raven is supporting legislation to change the status quo and promoting Raven’s own Protect Our Children Act which already has bipartisan support and which will address urgent issues on funding for ICAC Task Forces, immunity for law enforcement from prosecution for good faith errors and important data retention and tech company reporting requirements.

Pounder said: “Raven is a unique organization in the child protection space, I’m proud to serve its board and support its goals. We may be viewed by some as a disruptor in this space, we understand that and we’re okay with it! We are resolute and we will ensure the transformation, which is so urgently required to protect our children from sexual exploitation, becomes a reality.”